Fawlty Towers

Asheldon Rd, Torquay, Devon TQ1 2QS, United Kingdom
Tap to call 01000 123456
100.00€ - 150.00€ Fawlty Towers Asheldon Rd, Torquay, Devon, TQ1 2QS, United Kingdom 01000 123456 2 Room Double beds 2 Room Single 2 2 1 1
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Here you can display some booking form instructions (text) for your guests.

Booking particulars

Select the details of your booking requirements

Select the rooms that you require

Please note that resource prices listed are estimates and the full price of the booking will not be calculated until you have added a resource or rooms to your selection.

Final cleaning
Final cleaning
84.00€ (20%) ( Per booking )
12.00€ (20%) ( Per person per booking )
Your Details
Price Summary

night(s) at Per night



Accommodation ex tax
Accommodation inc tax
Extra adults
Services Total (inc tax)
Grand Total (inc tax):
Balance (after deposit paid)

Accommodation tax
City taxes :
Cleaning fee
Services tax: